Our People
Managing Director
Darren Lynagh
Joining the business in 2004, Darren brought a fresh approach to business management, complimenting Darren Kesby’s engineering and project management expertise. Darren has over 20 years’ experience in the management of small to medium sized businesses, focused on business improvement.
Since joining QBC Darren has taken the reins of business management, responsible for financial control, asset management, human resources, insurance, investments and information technology. His calculated and conservative approach ensures thorough decision-making and careful planning in all aspects of the business. These characteristics have seen him well-placed in project leadership and commercial development teams working alongside our clients and industry leaders.
Darren has had direct and indirect involvement in the civil construction industry since his school years, including seven years working in the field. This experience ensures Darren has a practical appreciation and understanding of all aspects of the business.
Darren is an approachable, relationship-focused manager, who is well respected by clients, his team and business partners.
General Manager
Brett Lukritz B.Tech (Survey)
With over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry, Brett holds a wealth of knowledge, strong project vision and a collaborative approach to contract delivery. As General Manager for Queensland Bridge & Civil Brett drives the business aspects of the business.
Brett began his career as a Project Surveyor working on a range of civil construction contracts. During the delivery of smaller contracts Brett began taking on more responsibility, filling a dual role as Supervisor and Project Surveyor. This progressed into larger projects and more responsibility, with Brett moving into Project and Construction Management roles then ultimately into his current role of General Manager.
Joining QBC in early 2012, Brett is the driving force behind the Company’s project delivery. He brings an appreciation of all aspects of a project and has an ability to balance the varying needs of multiple contacts. He is responsible for the resourcing and management of project staff and acts as the key interface between QBC and our clients.
With a wide range of experience from grass roots through to the current corporate management role, Brett provides an extensive knowledge base through all levels of the business. This understanding provides a strong mentoring platform that will ensure relationship-based contracting remains in the forefront of our business development for many years to come.
Construction Manager
Jared Gibbards B.E(Civil), RPEng, RPEQ
With over 15 years’ experience in the civil construction industry Jared has been a high performing member of the QBC Team since 2007. Having successfully worked his way up to Construction Manager Jared has extensive experience across a very wide range of civil construction and delivery models including Hard Dollar, ECI, ETI, D&C, and Alliances. Jared therefore understands the key challenges to ensure successful delivery under each model, which makes him a key member of our delivery team.
Jared is skilled in the planning, resourcing, and delivery of projects both locally and in remote and regional locations and brings this specialist knowledge and experience to the delivery of the project under his charge.
Jared is also passionate about mentoring the professional development of both site and junior professional staff and therefore building and strengthening successful project teams.
Director / Pre-Contracts Manager
Darren Kesby B.E (Civil), FIE(Aust), CPEng, NER, RPEQ
As a founding Director of Queensland Bridge and Civil (QBC) Darren is still very passionate about and involved in the continual growth of the business as our Pre-Contracts Manager role. He has over 30 years’ experience in civil construction with exposure to a wide range of technical, contractual and industry challenges.
A strong, relationship-focused leader, Darren has orchestrated and driven the growth of QBC. His leadership approach and passion for the company has seen him take the business from an annual turnover of $1M to $50M+.
Darren has a hands-on approach to managing the business, maintaining a vested interest in securing and delivering each QBC contract. His extensive knowledge and experience have allowed the company to undertake a range of diverse and challenging projects.
Systems Manager
Sarah Sargent B.OHS (Management)
Sarah has over 15 years’ experience within the civil construction industry, with involvement in the delivery of many civil infrastructure projects including roads, bridges and rail.
Commencing her career with Thiess as a WHS advisor, Sarah quickly realised the fundamental part that safety, as well as the environment and quality play in the successful delivery of projects and found herself transitioning into an HSEQ role.
Sarah’s real passion lies in the continual development, implementation and improvement of the company’s management systems and she is responsible for maintaining the company’s accreditations and certifications such as the Federal Safety Commissioner WHS Accreditation Scheme, as well as compliance to the AS/NZS ISO 9001, AS/NZS ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801 suite of standards.
Joining QBC in 2016, Sarah immediately provided pivotal support to the project delivery teams and is the driving force behind maintaining the Company’s systems. Sarah’s workplace experience and skills assist her to achieve on time objectives to the highest quality standards. Sarah has a strong ability to cope with challenges as they arise and consistently works towards successful outcomes.
People & Operational Services Manager
Joel Pallisier
Joining the business in 2014 as our HR Manager, Joel brings over 15 years of experience within the Building, Construction and Engineering sectors. Being results orientated and relationship focused Joel is passionate about the ongoing development of our people and the overall culture of the business. With the ever changing landscape that is Civil Engineering, Joel’s forward thinking and proactive approach is pivotal to the ongoing success of QBC.
Within Queensland Bridge Civil Joel also assists with safety & environmental advisory, and supports the Managing Director with plant & equipment, procurement, logistics and solutions. Having a collaborative approach and an open door policy, Joel is always thinking about the future of QBC, which is key within the progressive nature in which we work.